Commonwealth War Graves Commission
- cemeteries, memorials, horticulture, architecture and records of the CWGC and the
commemoration of members of the Commonwealth forces who died in the two World Wars.
East India Trade - thematic
history page covering the period from 1500 to 1800.
Indian Mutiny 1857
- sepoys of the East India Company's army rose up, killed their officers and tried to
expel the British from India. Also known as the "epic of the Race".
Indology - for scholars of
Sanskrit, Tamil, the Prakrits, and others interested in ancient and medieval India.
Sindh : My Motherland My
Fatherland - and there beside her was her 'kisto' - torturing me, teasing me and
tormenting my very soul. Oh! Where art thou my beloved Sindh?
Timeline of India -
wall of historical events and related stories/sites.